My Own Personal Playground.

Grand Canyon Hike - The Bright Angel Trail

Posted: 12/30/2018 13:00CDT

On the third day, we hiked out of the Grand Canyon. After some debate, we decided to hike up the Bright Angel Trail over the South Kaibab Trail. This decision was made becasue there are more people, water sources and shade along the Bright Angel Trail.

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Grand Canyon Hike - The Phantom Ranch

Posted: 12/29/2018 15:00CDT

This posts describes my two night stay at the Phantom Ranch. After hiking down the North Kiabab trail, we stayed in the dormatories. I will describe how the ranch works and what I did on my full day around the ranch.

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Grand Canyon Hike - North Trail

Posted: 12/28/2018 01:45CST

This post describes the North Rim Bright Angel hike down to the Phantom Ranch. If you are contemplating the hike, expand this post and scroll to the end of this post for the final thoughts on the Bright Angel North Trail.

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Grand Canyon Hike - North Rim

Posted: 12/27/2018 11:45CST

This post describes the beginning of the trip and covers the locations visited on the North Rim portion of the excursion through the Grand Canyon. The drive from Las Vegas and the sites to see on the North Rim. The hike in and through the canyon will be in the next post.

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Grand Canyon Hike - The Plan

Posted: 10/07/2018 00:20CDT

Seventeen years in the making, I returned to the grand canyon to perform a hike through the canyon. In 2001, I hiked down the Bright Angel Trail to the Three Mile Rest House. I spent about five minutes there filling my water bottle and enjoying the view. Following the park recommendations, I did not try to hike further, and hiked back out. I left before 5:00am and was out before 10:00am. Later the same day, I traveled to the South Kaibab Trail later that afternoon and hiked in to the Cedar Ridge. I was attacked by horse flies and ran out of the canyon. I have longed to go back and travel further than I did that day ever since. The following is a cataloging of my 2018 Hike Through the Grand Canyon.

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On the Lighter Side - St. Helena Lighthouse

Posted: 08/29/2017 08:08CST

I have visisted Fripp Island, South Carlonia six times during my life. It is a wonderful quiet island; perfect for a relaxing vacation with no plans, but plenty to do. Aside from swimming in the ocean or the pool and biking around the island, there is Hunting Island State Park just to the north. The island is home to campgrounds, hiking trails, beaches and the second tallest light house in South Carolina.

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On the Lighter Side - Kalalau Trail and Hanakapi'ai Falls

Posted: 10/30/2016 22:11CST

Last Month my Family and I traveled to the beautiful island of Kauai, Hawaii for a family Vacation. I had been to Hawaii before, but never to Kauai. Based on previous experinces on Maui, we knew that hiking is a wonderful activity to plan for on the islands.

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On the Lighter Side - Galetta Meadows

Posted: 02/13/2016 11:11CST

Last Month my Family and I traveled to the San Diego area for a family Vacation. We planned the trip not knowing what we would be doing on the trip. As it turns out, we had one of our busiest, most fun and still relaxing trips. One of the more intereresting finds was Galetta Meadows Sky Art in Borrego Springs, CA.

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On the Debt

Posted: 01/01/2016 22:56CST

As of January 1, 2016, the official United States(US) debt is approximately $18 trillion(1). As staggering as this number is, the far more frightening reality is that this is NOT an accurate picture of the US debt obligations.

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Citizen in a Constitutional Republic

Posted: 03/30/2013

What does it mean to have representation, or the consent of the governed?

Does it mean that we simply show up every two years to vote for members of congress and, depending on the cycle, for senator and president? Is that the beginning and end of it? Or do we actually get to know what they are doing and when they are doing it? How can there be consent of the governed, the core of our republic(1), if we do not know what our representatives are doing? Or worse, we find out too late what they have done?

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Understanding the 4th of July

Posted: 07/04/2012

When I was young, the Fourth of July served as a summertime holiday with fireworks. I was raised to love this country and to respect those who had founded it. Men like George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were spoken of with reverence in my history classes. The topic of the revolution was covered in 7th grade history and then again in a high school history class, but it was not until after college that I truly learned about what it means to be an American.

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Facts are Stubborn Things - A Tyrade on Gasoline Statistics

Posted: 05/02/2011

I have been hearing and seeing a lot of bad information regarding why Gas prices are so high and domestic Oil Production and Refining. There is so much, I will not be able to address them all; but let us see how long until I get bored...

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Blog Notes

From time to time, something comes along that inpires me to write. This is a collection of those times.

It is here where my conservative views and libertarian beliefs will be expounded upon. My mind set is conservative, which means that my positions are guided by knowledge and experience. When we encounter new intellectual terrain, then I err on the side of liberty.

Where things get interesting is when people make the mistake of assuming we are in new intellectual terrain. The woeful teaching of history has led to many not having an adequate knowledge of what has been tried, especially when referring to government.

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